Sample Consultant and Supervisor Documents

Here are some pages and documents that administrators seldom see. They are used by consultants and supervisors in timesheet submission and approval. In some cases, it will be helpful for administrators to understand their content. Included below are browser pages, several timesheet formats, the supervisor approval request and the supervisor's approval confirmation. Use your mouse wheel to enlarge the images.

Time Sheet Browser

Consultant's Timesheet Browser

This is the first page the consultant sees after logging in. The page allows the consultant to pick the contract for which time should be entered using the dropdown at the top. A new timesheet can be created by clicking the New button or an existing timesheet can be edited (if it's eligible) by clicking the Period Start Date item. Use your mouse wheel to enlarge this image.

Consultant's Time Sheet

The Detail Timesheet

This is the most popular timesheet format on Tempus. It allows the consultant to enter daily time values by dropping down a list. Each daily row provides a text box for notes. Note the supervisor dropdown at the top which allows a consultant to pick an alternate supervisor. Buttons on the right provide for all the allowable actions. All buttons return the user to the timesheet browser.

Consultant's Time Sheet

The Summary Timesheet

The Summary timesheet provides for the keyboard entry of a single time value per day - the total number of hours worked. Other features are the same as the other timesheets.

Mobile Time Sheet

Mobile Timesheets

Mobile timesheets allow consultants to choose the day of the week from a list and then present time entry controls that allow them to enter start time, breaks and end time for the day. Note the supervisor dropdown at the top. This allows the consultant to choose an alternate supervisor in case the default is unavailable. Mobile timesheets work exactly like the desktop versions, they have just been reformatted to fit the smaller screen.

Supervisor's One-click Approval Email

Supervisors One-click Approval email

Here's what the supervisor gets when the consultant hits the Submit button. The top part is the timesheet showing daily time details and any notes entered by the consultant. To approve or disapprove, the supervisor clicks one of the colored buttons at the bottom. This action opens up a browser window that displays verification of the button action. The verification form is shown below.

Supervisor's One-click Approval Verification

Supervisor's One-Click Approval Verification

When the supervisor clicks the approval button, Tempus opens a new browser window and displays this verification form.

Supervisor's Web Approval Email

Supervisors Web Approval email

Here's the Web Approval email. It's purpose is to avoid Approval/Disapproval buttons in the Supervisor's email which can be unintentionally altered by mail server phishing precautions. The Administrator can control which approval format is used by changing the Supervisor's Approval Method.

Supervisor's Web Approval verification

Supervisor's Web Approval Verification

This is what the Supervisor sees after clicking the Web Approval button. Tempus opens a new browser window and displays this verification form. The form asks the user to indicate approval by typing the letter "A" or disapproval by typing "D".

Supervisor's Batch Approval Page

Supervisor's Batch Approval Method

This is the page that supervisors can use to streamline the process when they approve many Tempus timesheets each week. It gathers all timesheets awaiting approval and presents them on a single page for fast approval action without the hassle of handling individual emails.

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